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First Degree Fitness

First Degree Fitness


At the core of all FDF FluidROWERS is our patented Twin Tank technology, providing several distinct levels of Fluid Resistance regardless of the speed you row at. Our Twin Tank technology comprises the inner, passive (or holding) tank and the outer, active (or resistance) tank.

When you select a high level, water will flow from the passive holding tank to the active resistance tank as you begin to exercise, and you will experience the smooth fluid resistance, no matter what your speed.

Conversely, if you select a low level, the water will be transferred away from the active resistance tank and back into the passive holding tank, lowering the resistance. You can even make adjustments on the fly to find a load that is just right for your fitness training.

FDF’s patented adjustable Fluid Resistance technology creates a challenging rowing workout for any fitness level. It allows the user to change the rowing resistance by a simple adjustment of the lever to your desired level, even mid-workout. The level of resistance can vary from feather light to Olympic challenge. Whether you are just starting your fitness journey or you are a professional athlete, our fluid resistance rowers have been designed and engineered to provide a challenging, smooth, full body workout that can be adjusted to suit your training requirements.

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